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QLD Brewery Solar Panels Inspection

A QLD brewery installed hundreds of solar panels believing this would be a great investment for themselves and the planet.

Unfortunately, not everything went to plan...

Other than keeping out the elements, there is no better use of your commercial roof space than to benefit from installing solar.

The brewery contracted National Roof Inspections to conduct a pre-solar audit of which the end result was a firm recommendation not to proceed with the solar install until the roof had much-needed repairs carried out. 

Unfortunately, they went ahead with the solar rollout, prior to attending to the roof, which resulted in ongoing leak issues. They also had to pay a premium price to have the panels removed as they were contracted by the original installers which limited them going to tender!

Had the brewery carried out the recommended repair works on the roof prior to solar, they would have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and many days lost production from their facility.

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